Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Dreams are so weird. Everyone dreams every single night, but most nights I forget my dreams. Supposedly if you tell yourself before your about to go to sleep "i will remember my dream tomorrow" you do! Although I didn't tell myself this before i went to sleep last night, I still remember my dream very, very vividly. I'm sure everyone has those few random dreams that they will never forget from throughout their entire life. Most of my dreams that I wont ever forget were nightmares. I remember this one dream from when i was a little girl, i was in a huge city but all the buildings were made out of leggos and everyone in the city were leggo people! i was being chased by this gigantic dinosaur made out of paper and no one could help me because nobody could move. Of course this dream doesn't sound scary at all, but when i was a little girl it was terrifying.
I think i might have heard this somewhere, but i think that dreams are either a wish or a fear. Even if its the most random dream ever, somehow it relates back to your real life. I love dreams because you can do almost anything you want. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could control our dreams and every night when we went to sleep it would be a different, new, and exciting adventure. I think that there should be more research put into dreams, for some reason they fascinate me a lot!